Discussion papers
How densely do manufacturing establishments occupy land?, with K. Behrens and T. Ndjanmou Bieda, 2022, CEPR DP17749, R&R The Review of Economics and Statistics.
The price of remoteness - Product availability and local cost of living in Ethiopia, 2024, new version of CEPR DP 14515, with J. Martin and E. Théophile, R&R Journal of Economic Geography.
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Geographic concentration of imports and economic vulnerability of countries, 2024, with G. Ourens.
Does the urban wage premium imply higher firm-level labor shares in cities?, 2024, CEPR DP 17678, R&R Regional Science and Urban Economics.
Cultural and recreational services as factors of city resilience? Evidence from big plant closures and downsizing, 2024, CEPR DP 16723, with K. Behrens and M. Drabo, R&R Canadian Journal of Economics.
Pdf| Vox | The Conversation
Refereed publications in English
Gentrification and pioneer businesses, 2024, with K. Behrens, B. Boualam and J. Martin, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 106(1), pp. 119-132.
Pdf | Vox
The factory and the hub - Revisiting Canada’s import dependence on the US, 2022, with J. Martin. Canadian Public Policy, 48(3), pp.360-373.
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Average income, income inequality and export unit values, 2021, with H. Latzer. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 185, pp. 625-646.
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One way to the Top: How services boost the demand for goods, 2020, with A. Ariu and M. Parenti, Journal of International Economics, 123 (2).
Pdf |Vox
Improving or Disappearing: Firm-level Adjustments to Minimum Wages in China, 2018, with S. Poncet and Tao Zhang, Journal of Development Economics, 135, pp. 20-42.
Pdf | Vox
The impact of Urban Enterprise Zones on establishments' location decisions and labor market outcomes: Evidence from France, 2017, with T. Mayer and L. Py, Journal of Economic Geography, 17(4), pp. 709-752 (lead article).
Pdf | Vox column
High-End Variety Exporters Defying Gravity: Micro Facts and Aggregate Implications, 2015, with J. Martin, Journal of International Economics, 96(1), pp. 55-71.
Pdf | Online Appendix | Vox column
Chinese firms' entry on export markets : the role of foreign export spillovers, 2015, with S. Poncet, World Bank Economic Review, 29(1), pp. 150-179.
Pdf | Online Appendix
Cluster policies and firm selection: Evidence from France, 2013, with L. Fontagné, P. Koenig and S. Poncet, Journal of Regional Science, vol. 53(5), pp. 897-922.
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Spatial concentration and plant-level productivity in France, 2011, with P. Martin and T. Mayer, Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 69(2), pp. 182-195.
Pdf | Vox column
Public support to clusters: A firm-level study on French Local Productive Systems, 2011, with P. Martin and T. Mayer, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 41 (2), pp. 108-123.
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Local export spillovers in France, 2010, with P. Koenig and S. Poncet, European Economic Review, vol. 54, pp. 622-641.
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Special issues and publications in French
Les pôles de compétitivité wallons. Quel impact sur les performances économiques des entreprises?, 2018, with C. Dujardin and V. Louis, Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine, vol. 2/2018, pp. 417-461.
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The efficiency of enterprise zone programs: Some conflicting results?, 2013, with L. Py, Région et Développement, 38, pp. 209-224.
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French firms penetrating Asian markets: Role of export spillovers, 2013, with S. Poncet, Journal of Economic Integration, vol. 28(2), pp. 354-374.
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Evaluation des politiques de clusters: sélection, autosélection et impact, 2011, Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, vol. 1-2, pp. 109-115.
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Economies d'agglomération à l'exportation et difficulté d'accès aux marchés, 2010, with P. Koenig and S. Poncet, Economie et Statistique, vol. 435-436, pp. 85-103.
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Books and chapters in books
Les effets des infrastructures de transport sur le niveau et la localisation des activités économiques: Que dit la littérature?, 2019, in Le Grand Paris Express - Les enjeux économiques et urbains, ed. J.C. Prager, Economica.
Pdf |
En finir avec les ghettos urbains? Retour sur l'expérience des zones franches urbaines, 2017, with M. Lafourcade, collection du Cepremap n°44, Editions Rue d'Ulm.
Pdf | Link to the book| Interview Alter Eco | Video book presentation
Are clusters more resilient in crises? Evidence from French exporters in 2008-2009, 2017, with P. Martin and T. Mayer, in The Factory-Free Economy, ed. L. Fontagné and A. Harrison, Oxford University Press.
Pdf | Link to the book
Heterogeneous export spillovers to Chinese domestic firms: the role of the difficulty to enter the destination market, 2013, with S. Poncet, in Firms in the international economy: Closing the gap between international economics and international business, ed. S. Beugelsdijk, S. Brakman, H. van Ees and H. Garretsen, MIT Press.
Pdf | Link to the book
The economics of clusters - Lessons from the French experience, 2011, with G. Duranton, P. Martin and T. Mayer, Oxford University Press.
Link to the book |
Le renouveau des politiques régionales en faveur du Mezzogiorno, 2009, in Refaire l'Italie. L'expérience de la gauche libérale (1992-2002), ed. Piero Caracciolo, collection Italica, Editions Rue d'Ulm.
Link to the book |
Les pôles de compétitivité. Que peut-on en attendre?, 2008, with G. Duranton, P. Martin and T. Mayer, collection du Cepremap, Editions Rue d'Ulm.
Pdf |Link to the book
Le rôle de l'Etat. Fondements et réformes, 2006, with M. Bacache, collection Thèmes et Débats, Editions Bréal.
How densely do manufacturing establishments occupy land?, with K. Behrens and T. Ndjanmou Bieda, 2022, CEPR DP17749, R&R The Review of Economics and Statistics.
The price of remoteness - Product availability and local cost of living in Ethiopia, 2024, new version of CEPR DP 14515, with J. Martin and E. Théophile, R&R Journal of Economic Geography.
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Geographic concentration of imports and economic vulnerability of countries, 2024, with G. Ourens.
Does the urban wage premium imply higher firm-level labor shares in cities?, 2024, CEPR DP 17678, R&R Regional Science and Urban Economics.
Cultural and recreational services as factors of city resilience? Evidence from big plant closures and downsizing, 2024, CEPR DP 16723, with K. Behrens and M. Drabo, R&R Canadian Journal of Economics.
Pdf| Vox | The Conversation
Refereed publications in English
Gentrification and pioneer businesses, 2024, with K. Behrens, B. Boualam and J. Martin, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 106(1), pp. 119-132.
Pdf | Vox
The factory and the hub - Revisiting Canada’s import dependence on the US, 2022, with J. Martin. Canadian Public Policy, 48(3), pp.360-373.
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Average income, income inequality and export unit values, 2021, with H. Latzer. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 185, pp. 625-646.
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One way to the Top: How services boost the demand for goods, 2020, with A. Ariu and M. Parenti, Journal of International Economics, 123 (2).
Pdf |Vox
Improving or Disappearing: Firm-level Adjustments to Minimum Wages in China, 2018, with S. Poncet and Tao Zhang, Journal of Development Economics, 135, pp. 20-42.
Pdf | Vox
The impact of Urban Enterprise Zones on establishments' location decisions and labor market outcomes: Evidence from France, 2017, with T. Mayer and L. Py, Journal of Economic Geography, 17(4), pp. 709-752 (lead article).
Pdf | Vox column
High-End Variety Exporters Defying Gravity: Micro Facts and Aggregate Implications, 2015, with J. Martin, Journal of International Economics, 96(1), pp. 55-71.
Pdf | Online Appendix | Vox column
Chinese firms' entry on export markets : the role of foreign export spillovers, 2015, with S. Poncet, World Bank Economic Review, 29(1), pp. 150-179.
Pdf | Online Appendix
Cluster policies and firm selection: Evidence from France, 2013, with L. Fontagné, P. Koenig and S. Poncet, Journal of Regional Science, vol. 53(5), pp. 897-922.
Pdf |
Spatial concentration and plant-level productivity in France, 2011, with P. Martin and T. Mayer, Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 69(2), pp. 182-195.
Pdf | Vox column
Public support to clusters: A firm-level study on French Local Productive Systems, 2011, with P. Martin and T. Mayer, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 41 (2), pp. 108-123.
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Local export spillovers in France, 2010, with P. Koenig and S. Poncet, European Economic Review, vol. 54, pp. 622-641.
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Special issues and publications in French
Les pôles de compétitivité wallons. Quel impact sur les performances économiques des entreprises?, 2018, with C. Dujardin and V. Louis, Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine, vol. 2/2018, pp. 417-461.
Pdf |
The efficiency of enterprise zone programs: Some conflicting results?, 2013, with L. Py, Région et Développement, 38, pp. 209-224.
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French firms penetrating Asian markets: Role of export spillovers, 2013, with S. Poncet, Journal of Economic Integration, vol. 28(2), pp. 354-374.
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Evaluation des politiques de clusters: sélection, autosélection et impact, 2011, Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, vol. 1-2, pp. 109-115.
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Economies d'agglomération à l'exportation et difficulté d'accès aux marchés, 2010, with P. Koenig and S. Poncet, Economie et Statistique, vol. 435-436, pp. 85-103.
Pdf |
Books and chapters in books
Les effets des infrastructures de transport sur le niveau et la localisation des activités économiques: Que dit la littérature?, 2019, in Le Grand Paris Express - Les enjeux économiques et urbains, ed. J.C. Prager, Economica.
Pdf |
En finir avec les ghettos urbains? Retour sur l'expérience des zones franches urbaines, 2017, with M. Lafourcade, collection du Cepremap n°44, Editions Rue d'Ulm.
Pdf | Link to the book| Interview Alter Eco | Video book presentation
Are clusters more resilient in crises? Evidence from French exporters in 2008-2009, 2017, with P. Martin and T. Mayer, in The Factory-Free Economy, ed. L. Fontagné and A. Harrison, Oxford University Press.
Pdf | Link to the book
Heterogeneous export spillovers to Chinese domestic firms: the role of the difficulty to enter the destination market, 2013, with S. Poncet, in Firms in the international economy: Closing the gap between international economics and international business, ed. S. Beugelsdijk, S. Brakman, H. van Ees and H. Garretsen, MIT Press.
Pdf | Link to the book
The economics of clusters - Lessons from the French experience, 2011, with G. Duranton, P. Martin and T. Mayer, Oxford University Press.
Link to the book |
Le renouveau des politiques régionales en faveur du Mezzogiorno, 2009, in Refaire l'Italie. L'expérience de la gauche libérale (1992-2002), ed. Piero Caracciolo, collection Italica, Editions Rue d'Ulm.
Link to the book |
Les pôles de compétitivité. Que peut-on en attendre?, 2008, with G. Duranton, P. Martin and T. Mayer, collection du Cepremap, Editions Rue d'Ulm.
Pdf |Link to the book
Le rôle de l'Etat. Fondements et réformes, 2006, with M. Bacache, collection Thèmes et Débats, Editions Bréal.